Jana Trajtelová
I work as a Scholarly Assistant at the Department of Philosophy, Faculty of Philosophy and Arts at Trnava University, Slovakia. My main area of specialization is Philosophy of Religion, particularly the phenomenology of religious experience with special regards to problems of philosophical anthropology.
In 2010 I successfully defended my dissertation thesis Distance and nearness of mysticism –a phenomenological study on fundamental movements in western mysticism. There I focused on two main complementary aspects of the mystical life – presence and distance – in which strain, along with a complete dispossession of the Possessor, the Gifted may be born. I approached the experience of deep inner life as a liminal and unique kind of human experience that is also a rich field for a specific anthropological research, pointing at the significant universal characteristics of human beings.
I attended the Phenomenology Research Center in September 2009 with a grant by the National Scholarship Program of the Slovak Republic. During this short but fully effective time I attended the Phenomenology Study Group led by Professor Anthony J. Steinbock and his Husserl/Derrida Seminar. I have also found great benefit and inspiration in his books and studies as well as in enriching personal consultations. Recently, I translated Steinbock’s article The Poor Phenomenon into Slovak. The article was published in Ostium, a Slovak web journal for humanities.
Currently I am teaching courses on philosophical anthropology, history of religions, philosophy of mysticism, philosophical thought on god and introduction to phenomenology. I am also a part of a section of the phenomenological studies at the department of philosophy at Trnava University. The group deals with problems of contemporary phenomenology, focuing on current researches of American Phenomenology authors.
Contact: trajtelova@gmail.com