Professor Anthony J. Steinbock
Books and Editorial Activities
My research interests are primarily contemporary German and French philosophy, especially, phenomenology and its development in thinkers like Husserl, Merleau-Ponty, Scheler, Heidegger, Levinas, Derrida, Marion, Waldenfels, and Lefort. Thematically, I am interested in the intersection of phenomenology and social ontology, critical theory, and the philosophy of religion.
I explore many of these interests in my teaching: on the graduate level, in seminars devoted to careful and systematic readings of major continental figures; on the undergraduate level, in classes I have designed on the philosophy of film, the philosophy of education, ethics, and mystical literature and meditation. Every year I also conduct a special seminar in phenomenology (the Phenomenology Research Group [PRG]) which engages in focused phenomenological work. Previously, the PRG was involved in the Emotions Project. It is now taking up the experience of “vocation.”
Contact Information:
Phenomenology Research Center
Southern Illinois University at Carbondale
Carbondale, IL 62901-4522
(618) 453-1662
e-mail: or steinbock@phenomenologyresearchcenter. org